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  1. The Solanaceae (/ ˌsɒləˈneɪsi.iː, - ˌaɪ /), or the nightshades, are a family of flowering plants that ranges from annual and perennial herbs to vines, lianas, epiphytes, shrubs, and trees, and includes a number of...


    Solanaceae Juss., 1789, ou Solanáceas[ 1] são uma família de plantas com flor do grupo das dicotiledóneas, com espécies herbáceas e outras lenhosas, em geral com folhas alternas, simples e sem estípulas, pertencente...

  2. ナス - Wikipedia

  3. トマト - Wikipedia

  4. ヤマホロシ - Wikipedia

  5. トウガラシ属 - Wikipedia

  6. パプリカ - Wikipedia

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