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  1. SuperCard DSOne Manual/Setup Guide - GitHub

    • The DSOne SDHC carts sold today have a fairly high dead-on-arrival rate. In most cases, the issue is a bad PSRAM chip on the cart. Before continuing with setting up your cart, you should verify that your… さらに表示

    Initial Setup

    Download the DSOne-SDHC Evolution kernel
    1.All DS flashcarts require their SD cards to be formatted with the FAT32 filesystem. Format th… さらに表示

    Further Setup - (Cheats)

    The Evolution kernel has support for cheats, but doesn't come with any cheats included by default. They needed to be added manually in the form of a usrcheat.… さらに表示

    EOS Options (Home Menu)

    SD Speed
    Sets the speed of the SD card. It is recommended to use a value above 3x on modern cards to avoid issues with running games, a… さらに表示

    EOS Options (Per-Game Settings)

    Game Options Menu
    This menu can be accessed by highlighting a game with the dpad, and then hitting the Y button. It allows you to override the global options se… さらに表示

    YSMenu Setup for Bad PSRAM DSOne Carts

    1.Format the SD card you are using by following this guide.
    2.Download YSMenu from GBATemp.
    3.Extract the YSMenu .7z you downloaded using 7-Zi… さらに表示

  1. DS ONE起動出来ず 電源入れたら起動できず、テスト起動したら ...

  2. Modification for SuperCard DS ONE PSram Error Mod - YouTube

  3. ESP32 PSRAMのリードエラー | ぼくのマイコン開発のメモ

  4. 他の人はこちらも質問
    If the PSRAM test fails, you have a bad cart. Contact your seller and request a refund/return. On a broken DSOne, you can't run EvolutionOS due to it relying on the PSRAM, but you can run an alternate kernel called YSMenu to play games on a cart with bad PSRAM.
    To verify that the PSRAM is working, start your console and boot the cart while holding L+R+Up. This will boot you into the cart's self-test mode. Hit A twice to cycle to the PSRAM test, and let it run. You should end up with a PSRAM ok message. If the PSRAM test fails, you have a bad cart. Contact your seller and request a refund/return.
    It does nothing on DSi and 3DS. This is for swapping save slots using the DSOne's multi-save ability. It allows you to have 4 separate save files per game. The default save slot is #0. #1 - #3 are the extra slots if you'd like to have more than one save. Just switch to that slot and run the game to use the associated save file.
  5. Simple way FIX "psram error" problem! from supercard

  6. Supercard DS one psram error - YouTube

  7. DSOneManual/ at main · Sanrax/DSOneManual · GitHub

  8. ESP32で外部ライブラリ等でのPSRAM割当制御 | Lang-ship

  9. Got my Supercard DS-One today, but having PSRAM error

  10. [ESP32] ESP32のPSRAM使い方 #IoT - Qiita

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