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  1. 貸金業法について【貸金業界の状況】 | 日本貸金業協会

  2. ja.wikipedia.org

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
    The language of money is as legally problematic as it is important. While terms such as money, payment and debt may appear readily understandable in most ordinary and everyday usage, there are alternative and contradictory meanings in law.
    Policies and ethics Harrington assesses the language of money in a legal context and demonstrates how clear definitions can be as legally problematic as they are important. Focussing on the key terms of money, payment and debt, her analysis combines legal sources such as case law and...
    Despite its frequency in English, money in law is difficult to define: it can encompass almost every common meaning or it may equate to none. While the physicality of money is a common cultural perception, expressed linguistically and visually, this is not necessarily the case in law, even in the realms of theft.
    (Kline, 2003, p. 259) Such a fiction is not so far from the legal reality. Despite its frequency in English, money in law is difficult to define: it can encompass almost every common meaning or it may equate to none.
  4. AML/CFT/CPF in Japan : Ministry of Finance - 財務省

  5. AMLIO

  6. あなたの興味がありそうな検索

  7. Sovereignty, Law, and Money: New Developments - Annual ...

  8. What Is Money? Legal Language as Modern Day Alchemy

  9. Law, mobile money drivers and mobile money innovations in ...

  10. Money, Law, and Institutions | SpringerLink

  11. Japan to Implement FATF's Crypto Anti-Money Laundering ...

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