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  1. Use an iPod management software that is compatible with Linux, such as Floola, AmaraoK, or gtkpod. Connect your iPod to your computer and run the management software. Click the "Connect" button to view and reshuffle your files and folders.
  2. 他の人はこちらも質問
    iPodLinux is a µClinux -based Linux distribution designed specifically to run on Apple Inc. 's iPod.
    Items that are not officially supported have had some success with the devs, but you should only consider installing iPodLinux on those generations if you are an advanced computer user, preferably running Linux or Mac OS X. Ask questions about those iPods in moderation, and only if you know what you're doing.
    WinPods use the FAT32 format, which is not adequate for Linux. Therefore, you need to add another partition, e.g. ext2, to install Linux on. This may require that you reformat your iPod, losing all your stored data on it. Make sure you have a backup of your iPod files before installing iPodLinux on it.
    Make sure you have a backup of your iPod files before installing iPodLinux on it. The easiest way to add a ext2 partition to your WinPod is to use Installer 2, which takes care of the partitioning for you. MacPods, on the other hand, use the HFS+ format, which Linux can be run from.
  3. iPodにApple OS・Rockbox・iPod Linuxをマルチブー …

    ウェブ2007年4月12日 · iPodにApple OS・Rockbox・iPod Linuxをマルチブートする方法!. 1、 rbinst.zip をダウンロードして解凍します。. 2、iPodを接続して、rbinstフォルダ内にあるrbinst.exeを起動します。. …

    • 推定読み取り時間:7 分
    • Releases · crozone/ipodloader2 · GitHub

    • Bootloader for classic iPods. Supports Rockbox, iPod Linux ...

    • iPodLinux - Wikipedia

    • How to Manage an iPod in Linux (w/ Pictures)

      ウェブ2023年6月20日 · So what if you want to manage an iPod in Linux? With older iPod models, there are a few software options to help. On newer/unsupported iPods, though, these methods may not work and your only option may be to use iTunes via

    • iPodLinux - Wikipedia

    • Rockbox

    • Installation - wikiPodLinux

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