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  1. Global watchdog urges Japan to boost fight against money ...

  2. Japan cryptocurrency transfer rules take aim at money laundering

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
    In addition, the law designated the Financial Supervisory Agency (later, the Financial Services Agency) as the FIU of Japan, where money laundering information shall be collected, arranged and analyzed to be disseminated to investigative authorities etc.
    Currently money transmitters are not yet allowed to join the network. However, intra-bank handling fees incurred in connection with their fund transmission services—usually borne by such money transmitters—have been a financial burden for money transmitters.
    The official also said judicial authorities can play a bigger role in cracking down on such crimes. The government plans to increase the statutory maximum sentence for money laundering by revising the laws on punishing organized crimes and penalizing the financing of terrorism.
    The FATF report, the result of a 14-month peer review of Japan, said there was generally good interagency cooperation among Tokyo's law enforcement bodies in the area of money-laundering.
  4. Japan's New Regime for Fund Transfer Services | Jones Day

  5. Japan warned to boost measures against money laundering

  6. Anti-Money Laundering Measures | National Police Agency

  7. Japan Amends Fund Settlement Act - Money Transfer Law

  8. 米国におけるマネー・ローンダリング規制に重大な変更を ...

  9. Laws & Regulations : FSA - 金融庁

  10. Amendments to Japan’s Money Transfer Law - Greenberg Traurig

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