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  1. Certainly! The mb_send_mail function in PHP allows you to send emails while handling character encoding. Here's how you can use it:

    mb_send_mail($to, $subject, $message, $additional_headers);
    • $to: Specify the recipient's email address (you can use a comma to separate multiple recipients).
    • $subject: Set the email subject.
    • $message: Provide the email body.
    • $additional_headers: Optionally, add extra headers (such as "From," "Cc," or "Bcc"). If using an array, separate headers with CRLF (\\r\\n).

    Remember that when sending emails, you must include the "From" header. If not specified, you'll receive a warning like this: "Warning: mail(): 'sendmail_from' not set in php.ini or custom 'From:' header missing."

    Additionally, if your message isn't being received, try using LF (\\n) only. Some Unix MTAs automatically convert LF to CRLF, which can cause issues. However, this should be a last resort, as it violates RFC 2822.

    Feel free to adjust the parameters according to your needs! 😊

    For more details, you can refer to the official PHP documentation.1 If your server doesn't have mb_send_mail() enabled but you want to use non-ASCII (multi-byte) characters in email subjects or name headers, you can use a workaround like this:

    $charset = "iso-2202-jp"; // Japanese
    $to = encode("Japanese Name 01", $charset) . " <to@email.com>";
    $from = encode("Japanese Name 02", $charset) . " <from@email.com>";
    $subject = encode("Japanese Text", $charset);
    $message = "Does not need to be encoded";
    mail($to, $subject, $message, $from);
    function encode($in_str, $charset) {
        // Encoding logic here
        // ...
        return $out_str;

    Happy emailing! 📧👍

  2. 【PHP入門】メールを送信する方法(mail/mb_send_mail) | 侍 ...

  3. 【PHP】mb_send_mail()関数を使ってメールを送信! …

    ウェブmb_send_mail ()関数はマルチバイト文字を扱ってメールの送信を行うPHP関数です。この記事では、言語と文字コードの設定、宛先の指定、HTMLメールの送信などの使用方法とサンプルコードを紹介します。

  4. PHPでメールを送信する方法(コピペで使えるサンプルあり)

  5. PHP | mb_send_mail()関数でメールを送信する方法 | 1 NOTES

  6. 【PHP入門】メールを送信する方法 mb_send_mail関数の使い方

  7. PHP メールを送信するサンプル(mb_send_mail) | ITSakura

  8. PHPでメール送信を行う方法:mb_send_mail() | UX MILK

  9. PHP: mb_send_mail - Manual - php.sh

  10. 【PHP講座】mb_send_mail関数でメール送信 - パソコンと ...

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