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  1. Evolution vs. Intelligent Design: 6 Bones of Contention

  2. Intelligent design, argument intended to show that living organisms were created in more or less their present forms by an “intelligent designer.”
  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Promoters of intelligent design generally accept that the Earth is billions of years old and that evolution has occurred, but maintain that, in many cases, especially with regard to the origin of complex characteristics or new taxa, the work of an intelligent designer, not an evolutionary process, is responsible.
    intelligent design (ID), argument intended to demonstrate that living organisms were created in more or less their present forms by an “intelligent designer.” Intelligent design was formulated in the 1990s, primarily in the United States, as an explicit refutation of the theory of biological evolution advanced by Charles Darwin (1809–82).
    However, some ID proponents have made testable claims that deal more with discrediting evolution than with the mechanism of Intelligent Design. These claims (e.g., that the components of bacterial flagella cannot function independently of one another) have been tested and refuted by the evidence. Involves the scientific community?
    Intelligent design was widely perceived as being allied with scientific creationism, the notion that scientific facts can be adduced in support of the divine creation of the various forms of life. Supporters of intelligent design maintained, however, that they took no position on creation and were unconcerned with biblical literalism.
  4. Intelligent design (ID) | History & Facts | Britannica

  5. Evolution - Intelligent Design, Criticism, Theory | Britannica

  6. Intelligent Design versus Evolution - PMC - National Center for ...

  7. Intelligent design - Wikipedia

  8. インテリジェント・デザイン - Wikipedia

  9. What is the intelligent design movement? - Understanding ...

  10. Intelligent Design: Is it scientific? - Understanding Science

  11. Evolution, Creationism, and Intelligent Design - ScienceDirect

  12. Intelligent design without a creator? Why evolution may be ...

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