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  1. 初版2001年10月8日
    最新版Version 7(r.5404) / 2023年6月14日
  1. System and technology of printing and typography

    Movable type (US English; moveable type in British English) is the system and technology of printing and typography that uses movable components to reproduce the elements of a document (usually individual alphanumeric characters or punctuation marks) usually on the medium of paper.
  2. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Movable type (US English; moveable type in British English) is the system and technology of printing and typography that uses movable components to reproduce the elements of a document (usually individual alphanumeric characters or punctuation marks) usually on the medium of paper .
    Bi Sheng (990–1051) of the Song dynasty also pioneered the use of wooden movable type around 1040 AD, as described by the Chinese scholar Shen Kuo (1031–1095). However, this technology was abandoned in favour of clay movable types due to the presence of wood grains and the unevenness of the wooden type after being soaked in ink.
    The spread of both movable-type systems was, to some degree, limited to primarily East Asia. The creation of the printing press in Europe may have been influenced by various sporadic reports of movable type technology brought back to Europe by returning business people and missionaries to China.
    Gutenberg's movable type printing system offered a number of advantages over previous movable type techniques. The lead-antimony-tin alloy used by Gutenberg had half the melting temperature of bronze, making it easier to cast the type and aided the use of reusable metal matrix moulds instead of the expendable sand and clay moulds.
  3. Movable Type について | CMSプラットフォーム Movable Type ...

  4. MovableType.org

  5. MovableType.jp - CMSプラットフォーム Movable Type ...

  6. MovableType.org – About

  7. CMS プラットフォーム Movable Type - クラウドもオ …

    ウェブMovable Type は、PHPなどのプログラムを記述することなく、HTMLとMTタグのみでセキュアなウェブサイト構築が可能です。 さらにクラウド版なら、常に安全な最新版を利用でき、OS/ミドルウェアのセキュリティ対策もシックス・アパートが対応します。 Movable Type の安全 …

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