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    賛成票5answered Jul 16, 2017 at 7:25

    In your IIS do you have the URLScan extension configured ?


    UrlScan is a security tool that restricts the types of HTTP requests that IIS will process.

    The "Rejected-By-UrlScan" in your URL suggests that the extension may be configured to reject "Delete" requests.

    You can ask your Administrator of the Server hosting the IIS about whether Delete requests are configured to be allowed in the IIS.

    Content Under CC-BY-SA license
  1. c# - 404 Rejected-By-UrlScan Delete Request - Stack Overflow

  2. UrlScan 3 リファレンス | Microsoft Learn

  3. UrlScan 2 Reference | Microsoft Learn

  4. LogParser 2.2 を使用したデータ マイニング UrlScan 3 ログ

  5. 運用 IIS安全対策ガイド 6.IIS Lockdown ToolとURLScanの ...

  6. Getting a Web error 403.18 forbidden when trying to access ...

  7. 「URL Scanでの設定について」(1) System Insider - @IT

  8. URLScan ユーティリティを使用する場合のサーバ HTTP ヘッダ ...

  9. 「VB.NET Webアプリケーション フォーム表示のトラブル」(1 ...

  10. urlscan.ioとShodanでお手軽にマルウェアの通信先サーバを ...

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