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  1. Visibility - GCC Wiki

  2. C++形式の共有ライブラリの書き方(gcc編) #C++ - Qiita

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
    This causes GCC to generate optimal code. But this is of course cumbersome: this is why -fvisibility was added. With -fvisibility=hidden, you are telling GCC that every declaration not explicitly marked with a visibility attribute has a hidden visibility.
    Default visibility is the normal case for ELF. This value is available for the visibility attribute to override other options that may change the assumed visibility of symbols. Hidden visibility indicates that the symbol will not be placed into the dynamic symbol table, so no other module (executable or shared library) can reference it directly.
    On systems that support the visibility attribute, this attribute also implies “default” visibility. It is an error to explicitly specify any other visibility. Currently, the attribute is ignored for inlined functions. If the attribute is applied to a symbol definition, an error is reported.
    Unless otherwise specified by the psABI, GCC defines internal visibility to mean that the function is never called from another module. Note that hidden symbols, while they cannot be referenced directly by other modules, can be referenced indirectly via function pointers.
  4. 共有ライブラリで公開シンボルを制限する #Linux - Qiita

  5. How to use the __attribute__ ( (visibility ("default")))?

  6. Function Attributes - Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)

  7. シンボルの可視属性の明示的な指定 - Kobe University

  8. Function Attributes - Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)

  9. Declaring Attributes of Functions — gcc 6 documentation ...

  10. visibility 型属性 - IBM - United States

  11. visibility

  12. 他の人は以下も検索しています

    attribute*gcc*visibility*hidden に関連する検索

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