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  1. 5 natural ways to overcome erectile dysfunction - Harvard Health

  2. 英語から翻訳されました。
    以下としても知られています: ED、インポテンス
    Dr. Pawan Kattiverified specialist
    M.S., M.Ch., F.MAS, Urology
    完全なプロフィールを表示LinkedIn logoLinkedIn
    対処の計画には、これらのオプションの 1 件以上が含まれている場合があります。

    経口薬: 陰茎の筋肉を弛緩させる一酸化窒素の効果を高めます。

    Sildenafil . Tadalafil

    陰茎の自己注射: 陰茎の根元や側面に薬を注入します。

    Papaverine . Alprostadil


    陰茎インプラント手術: 陰茎の両側に膨張式または曲げ可能な器具を外科的に埋め込みます。








    • スイカ
    • 焼き牡蠣
    • コーヒー
    • ダークチョコレート
    • くるみ
    • ブドウまたはザクロジュース
    • 鮭のような魚
    • ケールなどの葉物野菜
    • オリーブオイル


    • NA


    泌尿器 科 医


    ソース: Focus Medica (英語)は、[日本語] に翻訳されました。 情報提供のみを目的としています。アドバイスが必要な場合は医療の専門家にご相談ください。 詳細情報
  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Some people may use natural treatments, home remedies, or lifestyle changes to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). These include ginkgo biloba, ginseng, acupuncture, and yoga. However, medical treatments may be necessary to address an underlying cause.
    For some people, natural remedies may help treat ED. Certain herbs and supplements have been studied to treat ED, with varying degrees of success, including: Horny goat weed and zinc may help as well. Don’t buy herbs and supplements for ED treatment unless you speak with your doctor first.
    But lifestyle changes and other natural treatments can also help improve ED. There are many natural treatments for ED. They can include lifestyle changes like modifying your diet and getting exercise, as well as seeking mental health or relationship counseling. It’s best to talk with your doctor before trying a new treatment.
    The following oral medications stimulate blood flow to your penis to help treat ED: Alprostadil (Caverject, Edex, MUSE) is another medication that can be used to treat ED. It can be administered in two ways: as a penile suppository, or as a self-injection at the base or side of the penis.
  4. 11 natural remedies for erectile dysfunction (ED) - Medical ...

  5. 泌尿器科医に訊いた、自宅で可能な「ED(勃起不全)」改善 ...

  6. Erectile Dysfunction (ED): What It Is and How to Treat It ...

  7. Erectile dysfunction - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic

  8. Erectile dysfunction - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

  9. Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction: Things to Try Before ...

  10. 9 Best Natural Erectile Dysfunction Treatments for 2024 ...

  11. Treating erectile dysfunction - Mayo Clinic Health System

  12. Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: What's Available? Healthline

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