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  1. 他の人はこちらも質問
    The High Precision Event Timer ( HPET) is a hardware timer available in modern x86-compatible personal computers. Compared to older types of timers available in the x86 architecture, HPET allows more efficient processing of highly timing-sensitive applications, such as multimedia playback and OS task switching.
    Compared to older types of timers available in the x86 architecture, HPET allows more efficient processing of highly timing-sensitive applications, such as multimedia playback and OS task switching. It was developed jointly by Intel and Microsoft and has been incorporated in PC chipsets since 2005.
    Event Timer(s) memory assignments are reported to the OS by the BIOS using HPET Table and in ACPI Name space. Event Timer IRQ assignments need only be established for the single Timer Block that may optionally provide hardware support to supplement/replace legacy 8254 and legacy RTC hardware with these new HPET.
    If the HPET is set up correctly in the ACPI from BIOS then the ACPI MMIO page of the first HPET chip should be at 0xFED00000 and the second HPET at page 0xFED80000 (see the discussion for further information). ^ Windows XP, SP2 knows the HPET timer (as a device with ACPI\PNP0103 identifier).
  2. 【OS/マザボ】 High Precision Event Timer (HPET)の無 …

    ウェブ2018年4月26日 · High Precision Event Timer (以下、HPET)の無効化方法をご紹介。. HPETを無効にすることで下記グラフのように ゲームパフォーマンスの向上 が見込まれます。. が、自分の調べたかぎり、OS …

    • 推定読み取り時間:1 分
    • High Precision Event Timer (HPET) - 001 - ID:792044 | Intel ...

    • High Precision Event Timer (HPET) MMIO Registers - 001 ...

    • 001 - ID:763122 - Intel

    • High Precision Event Timer - Wikiwand

    • High Precision Event Timerとは - わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書

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