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  1. インド - Wikipedia

  2. WEB1 day ago · The Dutch East Indies,[3] also known as the Netherlands East Indies (Dutch: Nederlands(ch)-Indië; Indonesian: Hindia Belanda), was a Dutch colony with territory mostly comprising the modern state of Indonesia, which declared independence on 17 August 1945. Following the …

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  4. 日本占領時期のインドネシア - Wikipedia

  5. ムガル帝国 - Wikipedia

  6. WEB5 days ago · Company rule in India (sometimes Company Raj, from Hindi: rāj, lit. 'rule') was the rule of the British East India Company on the Indian subcontinent.This is variously taken to have commenced in 1757, after the Battle of Plassey, when the Nawab of Bengal Siraj ud-Daulah was …


    • 東インド

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  7. 株式会社が「暴力装置」とされていた不都合な歴史 東インド ...

  8. パキスタン - Wikipedia

  9. オランダ東インド会社 - 歴史 - わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書

  10. インドの美術 - Wikipedia

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