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  1. Morioka, Fukuoka among 52 Places to Go in N.Y. Times …

    WEB5 days ago · 【ニューヨーク時事米紙ニューヨークタイムズ電子版は12日、「2023年に行くべき52カ所の旅行先リストに日本から盛岡市と福岡市を選んだ新型コロナウイルス禍に伴う入国規制が緩和され東京や京都などを訪れる

  2. 女子ゴルフ普及へ世界各地でイベント 岩手県でも4日から大会 ...

  3. 盛岡城(岩手県盛岡市)の見どころ・クチコミ・アクセスなど、お ...

  4. 【威勢よく】「大盛岡神輿(みこし)祭」 4基練り歩く 岩手県 ...

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  6. 様変わりする中心市街地へ未来のビジョンは? 町並み守り新た ...

  7. Morioka is a city of history, culture, and noodles in the northern Tohoku region of Japan. It is the capital of Iwate Prefecture, which boasts scenic natural beauty … See more
    Morioka is a city of history, culture, and noodles in the northern Tohoku region of Japan. It is the capital of Iwate Prefecture, which boasts scenic natural beauty and rich traditions. You can explore the Morioka Castle Ruins Park, where the former feudal stronghold once stood, and enjoy the cherry blossoms in spring. You can also witness the colorful Chagu Chagu Festival, where horses parade in festive costumes with bells. If you are hungry, you can try the Three Great Noodles of Morioka, each with a unique flavor and style. Wanko Soba is a challenge to eat as many small bowls of noodles as you can, Reimen is a cold and spicy noodle soup, and Jajamen is a thick noodle dish with a savory sauce. Morioka is a great destination for those who love history, nature, and food.
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