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  1. "インストールエラー:インストールを完了でき’ませんでした ...

  2. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Mac OS X 10.5.5 is an update for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) that was released by Apple on September 15, 2008 . Includes recent Apple security updates. Addresses stability issues with video playback, processor core idling, and remote disc sharing for MacBook Air.
    Mac OS X 10.2.0 was the version of Mac OS X 10.2 "Jaguar" that appeared first on all Jaguar installation CDs. It, along with Mac OS X 10.2, was officially released internationally on August 24, 2002, 17 months after the initial release of Mac OS X .
    In March 2019, Apple updated the iMac to feature 9th-generation Intel Core i9 processors and Radeon Vega graphics. Unlike most other Apple releases, Apple opted not to announce the iMac at an event; instead, they updated the specs and released a press statement. For the first time, the iMac can support 6-core or 8-core Intel processors.
    On July 27, 2010, Apple updated its line of iMacs to feature the new Intel Core "i-series" processors across the line. The 21.5" models now feature the Core i3 processor, but these are upgradable to the Core i5. The high-end 27" features a Quad-Core i5 processor, which is upgradable to a Quad-Core i7.
  3. iMac - Wikipedia

  4. Roblox should be time to support Windows of Arm

  5. Prism é o recurso do Windows 11 que promete fazer chips ...

  6. VMware Workstation 17.5.2 Pro macOS Unlocker & OEM ...

  7. MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual

  8. Windows on Arm 助 PC 市場復甦,開發者靠 Prism 轉譯技術 ...

  9. “安装错误:安装无法完成。在Parallels(MacOS)上的Windows ...

  10. 全平台 知书_v1.0.0 | 枫音应用

  11. vm os_mb6440a45a2da1d的技术博客_51CTO博客

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