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  1. The GetVolumeInformation function retrieves information about the file system on a given volume. This information includes the volume name, volume serial number, file system name, file system flags, maximum length of a file name, and so on.
    GetVolumeInformation retrieves information describing a disk volume and the file system it uses. This information includes things such as the volume label and the disk's serial number.
    The documentation for GetVolumeInformation () says: This function returns the volume serial number that the operating system assigns when a hard disk is formatted. To programmatically obtain the hard disk's serial number that the manufacturer assigns, use the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Win32_PhysicalMedia property SerialNumber.
  2. android FastBle 获取蓝牙序列号 蓝牙查序列号 - 51CTO博客

  3. golang读取硬盘序列号 - Golang知识库

  4. android tv获取序列号_mob64ca12f51824的技术博客_51CTO博客

  5. Visual Studio和BOM历史渊源-CSDN博客

  6. Windows快速检索文件MFC实例-实物货源软件-程序博客网

  7. delphi:常用API函数-CSDN博客

  8. Supporting Sparse Files - Official eMule-Board

  9. [转] 关于一些系统API-CSDN博客

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