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  1. ロシア内戦 - Wikipedia

  2. Russian Empire - Wikipedia

    ウェブ12 時間前 · The Russian Empire, also known as Imperial Russia or simply Russia,[e][f] was a vast realm that spanned most of northern Eurasia from its proclamation in November 1721 until its dissolution in March 1917. At its height in the late 19th century, it covered about 22,800,000 square …

  3. ロシア陸軍 - Wikipedia

  4. 東ローマ帝国 - Wikipedia

  5. 北方領土問題 - Wikipedia

    ウェブ3 日前 · 1855年(安政2年)、日本(江戸幕府)とロシアロシア帝国)は日露和親条約を結び、択捉島と得撫島の間を国境線とした。 この条約により、 択捉島、国後島、色丹島、歯舞群島が日本領 と規定された [11] 。

  6. Russia - Wikipedia

    ウェブ3 日前 · Russia, or the Russian Federation, is a country spanning Eastern Europe and North Asia. It is the largest country in the world by area, extending across eleven time zones and sharing land borders with fourteen countries. It is the

  7. モルドバ - Wikipedia

  8. Russian Civil War - Wikipedia

  9. Russia | History, Flag, Population, Map, President, & Facts

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