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  1. The comment is a special block of the JPEG file where you may enter text that is stored along with the image in the file. There might be many reasons for you to do so -- inserting notes on where a photo was taken, information about who or what is in the picture, a copyright, etc.
    So why are JPEG comments useful? Well, they're kind of like writing on the back cover of a photograph -- you can jot down information about the image: where it was taken, who is in it, dates/times, etc. The software is also useful to view existing JPEG comments. Many programs (such as photoshop) automatically insert a comment.

    Launch FastStone Image Viewer and select the JPEG picture in the image browser on the right-side. Select Edit → JPEG Comment from the menubar. Alternatively, you can just press T. In the JPEG Comment window, you can add a text comment and it will be saved inside that JPEG image file.


    Scott’s JPEG commenter is very easy to use:

    • Use the folder tree at the upper left to browse to a directory that contains jpeg files.
    • The ‘file’ list, shown in the above screenshot, will show the JPEG files that are in the folder.
    • Click a file to display it’s comments. ...
  2. Edit text in jpeg | DocHub

  3. Where does File::Comment come from?

  4. Editing a tag in JPG file - ExifTool Forum

  5. Adjust comment in jpeg | DocHub

  6. 【2024年6月版】SNS投稿に最適な画像サイズ一覧!X(Twitter ...

  7. Color shift when saving a jpeg - Adobe Community - 14659178

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  9. 文書のファイル形式を変換する方法(Ridoc Desk …

    WEB5 days ago · 画像ファイルに変換するBMPTIFFJPEGPNG) ファイル形式を変換する文書を選択し、[ ]をクリックします。 補足


    • comment

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