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  1. ioctlsocket 関数 (winsock.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

  2. ioctlsocket function (winsock.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

  3. Blocking & Nonblocking Socket in the RS911x (NCP)

  4. IOCTL in Linux Device Drivers Tutorial with Source Code ...

  5. c++ - Why does my VIsual Studio compilation keep failing ...

  6. TcpListener in std::net - Rust

  7. Client blocks on recv while server sends data continuously ...

  8. 윈도우 소켓 ] 논블로킹 소켓, ioctlsocket, 소켓 함수의 리턴 ...

  9. ioctlsocket 関数 (winsock2.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

  10. c++ - WSA 10037 with no apparent cause - Stack Overflow

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