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  1. 日本産業規格(情報処理)の一覧 - Wikipedia

  2. UTF-8 - Wikipedia

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
    This is a list of notable 8-bit computer color palettes, and graphics, which were primarily manufactured from 1975 to 1985. Although some of them use RGB palettes, more commonly they have 4, 16 or more color palettes that are not bit nor level combinations of RGB primaries, but fixed ROM/circuitry colors selected by the manufacturer.
    In the history of video games, the fourth generation of video game consoles, more commonly referred to as the 16-bit era, began on October 30, 1987, with the Japanese release of NEC Home Electronics ' PC Engine (known as the TurboGrafx-16 in North America).
    It supplies the high byte of the base address for a 128-entry table of service routine addresses which are selected via an index sent to the CPU during an interrupt acknowledge cycle; this index is simply the low byte part of the pointer to the tabulated indirect address pointing to the service routine.
    A sequence of 7-bit bytes is both valid ASCII and valid UTF-8, and under either interpretation represents the same sequence of characters. Therefore, the 7-bit bytes in a UTF-8 stream represent all and only the ASCII characters in the stream.
    The 4-bit RGBI palette is similar to the 3-bit RGB palette but adds one bit for intensity. This allows each of the colors of the 3-bit palette to have a variant (on most machines dark or bright, but saturated or unsaturated was also possible) potentially giving a total of 2 3 ×2 == 16 colors.
  4. 天才ビットくん - Wikipedia

  5. List of 8-bit computer hardware graphics - Wikipedia

  6. Zilog Z80 - Wikipedia

  7. Nintendo Entertainment System - Wikipedia

  8. マリオ (ゲームキャラクター) - Wikipedia

  9. IBM-PCの登場|kzn - note(ノート)

  10. ファイルフォーマット一覧 - Wikipedia

  11. Fourth generation of video game consoles - Wikipedia

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