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  1. 【必見】パワーポイントの便利な機能をまとめてみた│パワポ大学

  2. PowerPoint(パワーポイント)の使い方を初心者向けに解説 ...

  3. パワーポイントの使い方をわかりやすく解説!プレゼンに効果 ...

  4. 他の人はこちらも質問
    e-Business: Organizational and Technical Foundations Microsoft PowerPoint is software used to create slideshow presentations that was once developed for the Macintosh WHY STUDY SYLLABLES?
    PowerPoint is a standalone program, a subscription service, a website, and a mobile app. Use PowerPoint by creating and customizing presentations with text, images, and other graphics. PowerPoint is the most popular presentation software, but Google Slides and Apple Keynote are popular, too.
    You can create Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents and more without having to pay for an expensive license. The free functions can cover your needs and if you want to experience more professional features, you can also have a premium. The Slide Show>Broadcast Slide Show to broadcast a presentation with just a few clicks.
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