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  1. GIMPの線の太さ -こちらのページにGIMPの添付画像の説明が ...

  2. GIMP のインストールと使い方 - Easy Innovation Zone

  3. Windows無料アプリ「GIMP」で写真のシミ消しを試した。 - 晴 ...

  4. GIMP - Wikipedia

  5. GIMPを使ってフィルムスキャンした画像の多数のほこりや傷を ...

  6. 【GIMP】お絵描き練習 - YouTube

  7. Gimp: stitching images together - A guide - technical …

    ウェブ3 日前 · Gimp: stitching images together - A guide. May 27, 2024. 5831. 1. With the Freeware Tool Gimp, you can add multiple images together and so, for example, a Collage or Panorama to create images with a smooth Transition. We explain how to do this.

  8. One way to make a Ribbon Tutorial in GIMP 2.8 • GIMP …

    ウェブ3 日前 · One way to make a Ribbon Tutorial in GIMP 2.8. This is a good way to make a ribbon. I used a brush to make this ribbon. A brush can only be 512 pixels in width or height. On a new transparent layer make an edge to the ribbon with the pen tool and stroke the path with a solid …

  9. GNU Image Manipulation Program - GIMP Documentation

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