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  1. 診療科肝臓学
    Patient UK肝移植
  1. Liver Transplantation - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

    ウェブ2023年4月7日 · Liver transplantation (LT) is a lifesaving gift and proven intervention in managing patients with acute and chronic end-stage liver disease. It restores normal health, lifestyle and extends lifespan by 15 years. The advent of liver transplantation came as a safety net to treat …

  2. 以下によって医学的な監修を受けたコンテンツ
    Dr. Rakshith Bharadwajverified specialist
    MD, Internal Medicine
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    のための治療: 肝不全 · 肝硬変 · 原発性胆汁性肝硬変 · 原発性硬化性胆管炎 · アルコール使用障害 そしてもっと

    プロシージャのタイプ: 開腹

    回復時間: 数か月かかる場合があります

    期間: 約6-12時間

    入院: 通常は数日


    医師のパネルによってレビュー。出典:フォーカスメディカ。 詳細情報

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
    The advent of liver transplantation came as a safety net to treat various liver diseases when all other medical interventions have failed. This activity outlines the importance of this procedure in improving the patients' quality of life and decreasing the morbidity and mortality related to acute and chronic end-stage liver disease.
    Liver transplantation is a potential treatment for acute or chronic conditions which cause irreversible and severe ("end-stage") liver dysfunction. Since the procedure carries relatively high risks, is resource-intensive, and requires major life modifications after surgery, it is reserved for dire circumstances.
    Liver transplantation, first performed in humans 60 years ago, has become the standard of care for patients with life-threatening liver disease (see Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at NEJM.org). However, it remains a demanding therapy for patients, providers, and society.
    In 1990, however, the organization changed its name to become, as it is known today, the International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS). Since 2000, the ILTS has held an annual meeting alternating sites between North/South America, Europe, and Asia. Initially, the ILTS published congress reports in Transplantation Proceedings.
  4. Liver transplantation: history, outcomes and perspectives

  5. Liver Transplantation | New England Journal of Medicine

  6. A brief history of liver transplantation and transplant anesthesia

  7. Evolution of Liver Transplantation - PMC - National Center for ...

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