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  1. gdiplus.hをインクルードするとコンパイルできないとき - 趣味 ...

  2. CoInitialize 関数 (objbase.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

  3. GDI+ library causes "error C2760: syntax error: unexpected ...

  4. Objbase.h ヘッダー - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

  5. DirectX Parse C Source · Issue #1784 - GitHub

  6. QT Creator cannot find "objbase.h" when invoking nmake

  7. objbase.h in d3d9.h - Graphics and GPU Programming ...

  8. Argh! objbase.h - Graphics and GPU Programming ...

  9. CoInitialize function (objbase.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

  10. c++ - Error when I include DirectXTex.h - Stack Overflow