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  1. Snes9x GX - WiiBrew

    • 4.5.5 - March 30, 2024
      1. Added 2xBR, 2xBR-lv1 and DDT video filters (Hyllian) 2. Compiled with latest devkitPPC/libogc 3. Added Swedish translation … さらに表示

    Loading Games

    By default, roms are loaded from "snes9xgx/roms/". Your SNES rom images must be in SMC, SFC, SWC, or FIG format. Generally,all images you find will be in this format, but if you run across one that isn'tpleas… さらに表示


    By default, cheats are loaded from "/snes9xgx/cheats/". Cheat files must be placed in the cheats … さらに表示

    Language Patches

    IPS files must be placed in the same folder as the ROM you are loading, and named identically to the ROM name, except with a IPS extension. They will be loaded automatically upon loading the game. さらに表示

    Third Party Releases

    Unofficial version with game cover support
    Unofficial build of Snes9x GX version 4.1.5 with extra options: 1. Use SNES game cover images to choose game. 2. IR interface allows you to point and click on a game cov… さらに表示

  1. Wii SNESエミュレータSnes9x GX紹介 - Blogger

    ウェブ2019年12月12日 · こちらではWiiのSNESエミュレータSnes9x GXを紹介します. 下記リンクよりSnes9x GXをダウンロード&解凍し、SDカードに上書きコピー. https://github.com/dborth/snes9xgx/releases. ゲー …

  2. ニンテンドーWiiでレトロなNESおよびSNESゲームをプレイする …

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
  4. Wii Snes9x GX 4.1.5 導入 - Game Hacks - atwiki(アットウィキ)

  5. Snes9x GX - Open Shop Channel

  6. 【Wii】 スーパーファミコンのゲームをエミュレータで遊ぶ ... - FC2

  7. Snes9x - Wikipedia

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