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    Wikipedia ですべてを見てください

    Mixins are a language concept that allows a programmer to inject some code into a class. Mixin programming is a style of software development, in which units of functionality are created in a class and then mixed in with other classes. A mixin class acts as the parent class, containing the desired functionality. A … 詳細

    In object-oriented programming languages, a mixin (or mix-in) is a class that contains methods for use by other classes without having to be the parent class of those other classes. How those … 詳細

    Mixins first appeared in Symbolics's object-oriented Flavors system (developed by Howard Cannon), which was an approach to object-orientation used in Lisp Machine Lisp. The … 詳細

    In Simula, classes are defined in a block in which attributes, methods and class initialization are all defined together; thus all the methods that can be invoked on a class are defined … 詳細

    In Common Lisp
    Common Lisp provides mixins in CLOS (Common Lisp Object System) similar to Flavors. 詳細

    Mixins first appeared in Symbolics's object-oriented Flavors system.
    Gilad Bracha and William Cook reinterpret different inheritance mechanisms found in Smalltalk, Beta and CLOS as special forms of a mixin inheritance.
    Dart supports mixins.
    C# 3.0 has the ability to mimic mixins.
    Swift can achieve Mixin by using a language feature called Default implementation in Protocol Extension.
    JavaScript natively supports Trait and mixin based object composition via function objects that implement additional behavior and then are delegated via call or apply to objects that are in need of such new functionality.
    C# 8.0 adds the feature of default interface methods.
    ECMAScript (in most cases implemented as JavaScript) does not need to mimic object composition by stepwise copying fields from one object to another.
    Rust makes extensive use of mixins via traits.
    Scala has a rich type system and Traits are a part of it which helps implement mixin behaviour.

    1. It provides a mechanism for multiple inheritance by allowing one class to use common functionality from multiple classes, but without the complex semantics of multiple … 詳細

    Other than Flavors and CLOS (a part of Common Lisp), some languages that use mixins are:
    Ada (by … 詳細

    Java 8 introduces a new feature in the form of default methods for interfaces. Basically it allows a method to be defined in an interface with … 詳細

    CC-BY-SA ライセンスに準拠した Wikipedia テキスト
  2. A mixin is a class (interface, in WebAPI spec terms) in which some or all of its methods and/or properties are unimplemented, requiring that another class or interface provide the missing implementations. The new class or interface then includes both the properties and methods from the mixin as well as those it defines itself.
  3. 【Vue.js】ミックスインの使い方と注意 #JavaScript - Qiita

  4. ミックスイン - JavaScript

  5. python - What is a mixin and why is it useful? - Stack Overflow

  6. Mixin - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related ...

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