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Bing でこれらの結果が見つかりました
  1. install [DokuWiki]

  2. DokuWikiの初期設定 [技術wiki]

  3. install:windows [DokuWiki]

  4. installer [DokuWiki]

  5. DokuWikiをはじめたときにやるカスタマイズ | 書物の回想

  6. 他の人はこちらも質問
    If you only want DokuWiki to work on your local PC without installing anything else or needing to learn how web servers work, the easiest solution is to use a pre-configured package including DokuWiki, PHP and a small server. The following such one-click solutions are available:
    To run the installer, open the page http://<DokuWiki-Path>/install.php in the web browser. (For security reasons it will only work with a new and unmodified DokuWiki installation.) Read further for description of the fields and an explanation of errors for troubleshooting. These are the options you may set in the installer and their meaning.
    DokuWiki Bitnami Module – an installer which deploys DokuWiki on top of LAMPStack if you are using Linux, or MAMPStack, WAMPStack or SAMPstack if you are using Mac, Windows or Solaris allowing to share database, webserver and language runtime with other applications modules. For local desktop wiki (on any OS) install using PHP builtin web server.
    This means a certain function usually provided by the PHP interpreter was not found. This can mean your PHP version is too old (DokuWiki needs PHP 7.2 at least, PHP 8 preferred - see also the system requirements ), you are missing a certain PHP extension (unlikely) or your provider disabled the function for some reason.
  7. 【Dokuwiki】インストールと初期設定 [孤独なFX戦士 Wiki]

  8. Docker で Dokuwiki を構築する|荒川仁志 - note(ノート)

  9. docwiki install - UselessNotes Wiki*

  10. FreeBSD13.2にDokuWikiをインストール | Sakura.Oh!Happy.JP

  11. dokuwiki - linux [ともやん・どっと・ねっと]

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