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  1. Linuxコマンド【 uncompress 】アーカイブを展開 - Linux入門 ...

  2. uncompress - UNIX/Linuxコマンド - IT専科

  3. ファイルの解凍・圧縮 - Linuxコマンド一覧(.zip .gz .Z .bz2 tar.gz ...

  4. To uncompress files on Unix or Linux systems, you can use the following commands12:
    • To uncompress *.Z or *.tar.Z files, enter: uncompress *.Z. Use the ls command to check the resulting files. If uncompress creates a.tar file, you must extract the files by entering: tar -xvf *.tar.
    • To decompress a .gz file, use the gzip utility. The syntax is as follows: gzip -d file.gz. The command will restore the compressed file to its original state and remove the .gz file. If you want to keep the compressed file, pass the -k option to the command: gzip -dk file.gz.

    If you are on a Unix system, to uncompress *.Z or *.tar.Z files, at the shell prompt, enter: uncompress *.Z Use the ls command to check the resulting files. If uncompress creates a.tar file, you must extract the...

    On Linux and macOS, you can use the gzip utility to decompress a.gz file. The syntax is as follows: gzip -d file.gz The command will restore the compressed file to its original state and remove the.gz file. If you...

  5. uncompress compressコマンドで圧縮したファイルを展開する ...

  6. 圧縮されたファイルを展開する (uncompress コマンドと unpack ...

  7. uncompressコマンド|Linuxコマンド

  8. uncompress コマンド - IBM

  9. 【Bash】「compress/uncompress」 - ファイルを圧縮・解凍する

  10. uncompress - 圧縮したファイルを解凍する Linuxコマンド UNIX ...

  11. How do I zip/unzip on the unix command line?

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