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  1. What is the messaging app on windows

    Messaging (also known as Microsoft Messaging) is an instant messaging Universal Windows Platform app for Windows 8.0, Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile. The mobile version allows SMS, MMS and RCS messaging. The desktop version is restricted to showing <u>SMS messages</u> sent via Skype, and billing SMS message from an LTE operator.

    Available in: 65 languages
    Developer(s): Microsoft
    Size: 29.3 MB
  2. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Before the product was renamed Windows Live Messenger, it was named "MSN Messenger" from 1999 to 2006. During that time, Microsoft released seven major versions as follows. The first version of MSN Messenger Service, version 1.0 (1.0.0863), was released July 22, 1999.
    Messaging (also known as Microsoft Messaging, and as of recently, Windows Operator Messages) is an instant messaging Universal Windows Platform app for Windows 8.0, Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile. The mobile version allows SMS, MMS and RCS messaging.
    Because the main client used to access the service became known as Windows Live Messenger, Microsoft started referring to the entire service as the Windows Live Messenger Service in its support documentation in the mid-2000s.
    Messenger (formerly MSN Messenger Service, .NET Messenger Service and Windows Live Messenger Service) was an instant messaging and presence system developed by Microsoft in 1999 for use with its MSN Messenger software.
  3. 【削除方法】windows10/11の勝手に入っているメッ …

    ウェブ2023年9月17日 · Microsoft メッセージングとは. SMS、MMS、RCS のメッセージをすべて自分の電話ですばやく安全に送受信できるMicrosoft製のアプリです。. PCバージョンでは、携帯電話会社からのデータ通信プラン (請求、データ通信量上限など) に関する SMS テキ …

  4. Microsoft Messaging - Wikipedia

  5. Microsoft Messengerサービス - Wikipedia

  6. MSN Messenger - Wikipedia

  7. From MSN Messenger to Teams: Look back at Microsoft's ...

  8. Microsoft Messenger service - Wikipedia

  9. Microsoft Apps

  10. Microsoft still doesn't know what to do with its messaging ...

  11. Instant Messaging | Microsoft Teams

  12. Plan and configure your Microsoft messaging platform

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