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  1. SRE 部入社時課題の詰まりポイント 〜 Cloud SQL Auth Proxy ...

  2. Web 開発再入門#12 ― MyBatis による SQL アクセス処理 - Qiita

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Manage PHP packages with the pear package manager. Path to the pear executable. Name of the package to install, upgrade, or remove. List of regular expressions that can be used to detect prompts during pear package installation to answer the expected question. Prompts will be processed in the same order as the packages list.
    To use it in a playbook, specify: community.general.pear. Manage PHP packages with the pear package manager. Path to the pear executable. Name of the package to install, upgrade, or remove. List of regular expressions that can be used to detect prompts during pear package installation to answer the expected question.
    PHP should be using the authentication plugin configured for the user instead of the server's default one. Tested with "Server version: 8.0.17-8 Percona Server (GPL), Release '8', Revision '868a4ef'" on Debian 10. PHP version 7.4.1 (compiled). The server uses the "caching_sha2_password" by default.
  4. Databases | NextAuth.js

  5. Is PEAR Auth really a viable option for PHP authentication?

  6. MySQL | DataGrip Documentation - JetBrains

  7. community.general.pear module – Manage pear/pecl packages

  8. Can't connect to MySQL 8 if server's auth plugin does not ...

  9. PHP :: Request #68281 :: mariadb server with dialog auth method

  10. MySQL5.7.3から8.1.0にバージョンアップする方法 | Vueは友達

  11. 一部の検索結果が削除されました
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