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Bing で次の結果が見つかりました
  1. GINA is the pluggable part of WinLogon that third parties may replace in order to customize the functionality or the UI of the logon experience in Windows®. By replacing GINA, you can choose the authentication mechanism Windows will use for interactive users. This is often useful for smartcard or biometric logons.
  2. GINAの位置づけ - EternalWindows

  3. Graphical identification and authentication - Wikipedia

  4. Winlogon and GINA - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

  5. Windowsの認証方法をオープン・ソースで代替してみよう | 日経 ...

  6. windows - Credential Providerの使い方に関して - スタック ...

  7. Windows Vista対応について - CO-GINA | CO-CONV

  8. pGina - Open source Windows authentication

  9. Custom Windows GINA authentication - Stack Overflow

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