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    Windows XP editions - Wikipedia

    Windows XP, which is the next version of Windows NT after Windows 2000 and the successor to the consumer-oriented Windows Me, has been released in several editions since its original release in 2001. Windows XP is available in many languages. In addition, add-ons translating the user interface are also available for … 詳細

    The first two editions released by Microsoft are Windows XP Home Edition, designed for home users, and Windows XP Professional, designed for … 詳細

    Editions for embedded systems 画像

    This edition is intended for specially designed notebook/laptop computers called tablet PCs. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition is compatible with … 詳細

    Two editions of Windows XP were released to support 64-bit hardware. Despite being similarly named, these were distinct products aimed at separate markets. 詳細

    Tablet PC Edition 画像
    Starter edition 画像
    Media Center Edition 画像

    Windows XP Starter is a lower-cost version of Windows XP available in Thailand, Vietnam, Turkey, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Russia, … 詳細

    This edition, which was code-named "Freestyle" during its development, was first released in September 2002. The initial release was … 詳細

    In 2006, Microsoft made available two additional editions of Windows XP Home Edition for hardware manufacturers that wanted to provide … 詳細

    Microsoft has released a number of editions of Windows XP that are targeted towards developers of embedded devices, for use in specific consumer electronics, set-top boxes, … 詳細

    CC-BY-SA ライセンスに準拠した Wikipedia テキスト
  2. Microsoft Windows XP - Wikipedia

  3. マイクロソフトWindowsの歴史年表、OSの種類、バージョン一覧 ...

  4. Windows XP - Wikipedia

  5. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Windows XP was released in two major editions on launch: Home Edition and Professional Edition. Both editions were made available at retail as pre-loaded software on new computers and as boxed copies.
    Windows XP is no longer produced and sold by Microsoft, but you can occasionally find old copies on Amazon or eBay. Starter Edition was a lower cost, and somewhat feature-limited, version of XP designed for sale in developing markets.
    Windows Vista replaced XP in 2007, and Windows 11 is the latest Windows version. Microsoft Windows XP was an extremely successful version of Windows. The operating system, with its greatly improved interface and capabilities, helped fuel phenomenal growth in the PC industry during the early 2000s.
    Windows XP, which is the next version of Windows NT after Windows 2000 and the successor to the consumer-oriented Windows Me, has been released in several editions since its original release in 2001. Windows XP is available in many languages. In addition, add-ons translating the user interface are also available for certain languages.
  6. List of Microsoft Windows versions - Wikipedia

  7. Windows XP: Editions, Service Packs, Support, & More - Lifewire

  8. リリースから20周年を迎えたWindows XPは今もなおほそぼそと ...

  9. Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition - Wikipedia

  10. Microsoft Windows XP - Wikiwand

  11. WindowsOSの35年超の歴史をバージョンごとに解説【年表付き ...

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