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  1. Earliest recorded use of zero is centuries older than first thought

  2. 最大90%オフ!KONAMI「ゴールデンウィークセール」を開催中 ...

  3. 甘えん坊さん | 大阪・奈良の葬儀・家族葬ESSたねちゃんのブログ

  4. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 176601 (2024) - Physical Review Journals

  5. MoEDAL zeroes in on magnetic monopoles | CERN

  6. 日本糖尿病学会「最近 の広告が増加しています。そんなもの ...

  7. Voyager 1 regains communications with NASA after inventive ...

  8. Sort binary array in linear time - Techgeekbuzz

  9. Rogers plans sale of data centres, other real estate as it ...

  10. Which player had the worst playoff game in NHL history?

  11. Some results have been removed