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  1. How can I check the SMART status of a SSD or HDD on ...

    ウェブHow can I check the SMART status of a drive under 14.04 and beyond? I've seen Checking HD SMART status on a fresh install but it doesn't seem to apply under 14.04 and later.

  2. How to Monitor and Test the Health of SSD in Linux

    ウェブ2018年7月31日 · sudo apt install smartmontools. smartctl is a command line tool, but this is perfect, especially if you want to automate data collection, on your servers especially. The first step when using smartctl is to check if your disk has S.M.A.R.T. enabled and is supported by the …

  3. Linux/UbuntuのsmartctlでS.M.A.R.T.対応HDD/SSDの診断 ...

  4. smartmontools

  5. LinuxでSSDの健康状態をチェックする方法: 完全ガイド | IT trip

  6. USB接続のSSD/HDDSMART情報を見る方法 - pyopyopyo ...

  7. @IT:ハードディスクの温度を調べるには

  8. Linux硬盘的检测--smartctl详细介绍 - Yang-Blog - 博客园

  9. HDDの故障診断に役立つS.M.A.R.T.情報の活用方法