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  1. Seaweed
    • 2 件の提供元に基づく
    What Is Wakame? Wakame is a species of sea vegetable, commonly referred to as seaweed, extensively used in Japanese and other Asian cuisines, especially in soups, salads, and snacks, but also as a seasoning.
    a type of seaweed (= a plant that grows in the ocean or on land very close to the ocean) that is used in East Asian cooking: Wakame is usually sold in dried form, so you need to soak it before using it. The Japanese restaurant is famed for its tofu and wakame miso soup.
  2. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! The meaning of WAKAME is an edible brown seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida) native to Asia.
    Wakame, as with all other kelps and brown algae, is plant-like in appearance, but is unrelated to true plants, being, instead, a photosynthetic, multicellular stramenopile protist of the SAR supergroup. The primary common name is derived from the Japanese name wakame ( ワカメ, わかめ, 若布, 和布 ).
    As an edible seaweed, it has a subtly sweet, but distinctive and strong flavour and satiny texture. It is most often served in soups and salads. Wakame has long been collected for food in East Asia, and sea farmers in Japan have cultivated wakame since the eighth century ( Nara period ).
    Goma wakame, also known as seaweed salad, is a popular side dish at American and European sushi restaurants. Literally translated, it means 'sesame seaweed', as sesame seeds are usually included in the recipe. In Korea, wakame is used to make and eat ' Miyeok guk '. Stir-fry the wakame in sesame oil and boil it with meat broth.
  3. What Is Wakame? - The Spruce Eats

    ウェブ2023年1月19日 · Wakame is a deep green sea vegetable that is widely used in Asian dishes, especially soups and salads. Learn how to rehydrate, cook, and season wakame, and discover its nutrition, taste, …

    • 推定読み取り時間:4 分
  4. WAKAME | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

  5. wak·ame
    1. an edible brown seaweed used, typically in dried form, in Chinese and Japanese cooking.
    wakame の詳細
  6. わかめは英語でどう言う?使い方から使い分けまで例文付きで ...

  7. 「わかめ」の英語・英語例文・英語表現 - Weblio和英辞書

  8. bing.com/videos
    wakame meaning のビデオをもっと見る
  9. Wakame Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

  10. ワカメ - Wikipedia

  11. わかめの意味・語源・由来を詳しく解説 - 語源由来辞典

    ウェブ2024年5月9日 · わかめとは、褐藻類 コンブ 目アイヌワカメ科の海藻。 日本 各地の海岸に生じ、古くから食用にされ、養殖もされる。 長さは50~100センチメートル。 裙帯菜。 にぎめ。 めのは。 わかめの語源・由来. わかめの「め」は、海藻の総称「メ(海布)」のことで、「モ( …


    • meaning


  12. 若芽, わかめ, wakame - Nihongo Master

  13. wakameの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書

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