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  1. How to Install VMware Workstation Player on Fedora

    • Point your browser to https://www.vmware.com/go/downloadplayer to download the latest version of VMware Workstation Player. When the page loads, click on the “GO TO DOWNLOADS” link. Because we wil… See more


    VMware Workstation Player runs on standard x86-based hardware with 64-bit Intel or AMD processors. The system requirements are: 1. A compatible 64-bit x86/AMD6… See more

    Step 2: Make The File Executable

    The downloaded file needs to be made executable. You have two options. If you prefer the command line, type chmod +xfollowed by the file’s full path: The second app… See more

    Step 3: Install VMware Workstation Player on Fedora

    Run the installer specifying the full path to the file: The progress of the VMware Workstation Player installation on your Fedora system will be shown in the terminal. S… See more

    Step 4: Start Initial VMware Workstation Player Initialization

    You can start VMware Workstation Player by launching it from the GNOME dash. But first, search for “vmware” and click to run the same when its icon appears. VMware Workstatio… See more


    Following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to successfully install and use VMware Workstation Player on your Fedora Linux system. Remember to keep your … See more

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