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  1. 生産時期May 2005から
    CPU周波数1.0 GHz から 2.0 GHz
    FSB周波数400 MHz から 800 MHz
  1. VIA C7 - Wikipedia

  2. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Based on the ‘Esther’core with its advanced VIA CoolStream™ architecture, the VIA C7 ® processor is designed to extend the digital lifestyle by combining robust performance of up to 2.0GHz with ultra low power consumption and highly efficient heat dissipation. © 2024 VIA Gallery. All rights reserved.
    VIA C7-M is family of mobile microprocessors designed for slim notebooks and ultra portable devices.
    The VIA C7 ® -M ULV processor group within this family have been specifically designed for the next generation ultra mobile devices, with extreme power efficiency for full computing on the go. © 2024 VIA Gallery. All rights reserved.
    VIA has stated the C7 bus is physically based upon the Pentium-M 479-pin packaging, but uses the proprietary VIA V4 bus for electrical signalling, instead of Intel’s AGTL+ Quad Pumped Bus, avoiding legal infringement. "Twin Turbo" technology, which consists of dual PLLs, one set at a high clock speed, and the other set at a lower speed.
  3. C7 Processor - VIA Gallery

  4. VIA C7-M microprocessor - CPU世界

  5. 【特集】【特別企画】Windows 7インストール実験レポート VIA ...

  6. C7-M Mobile Processor - VIA Gallery

  7. VIA C7のベンチマーク C7-D 1.5GHz編 - hinata.jp

  8. The Many Sockets of VIA CPU’s | The CPU Shack Museum

  9. List of VIA C7 microprocessors - Wikipedia

  10. C7-D Desktop Processor - VIA Gallery

  11. 他の人は以下も検索しています

    via c7 %83m%81 [%83 gpc に関連する検索

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