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    Right to disconnect - Wikipedia

    The right to disconnect is a proposed human right regarding the ability of people to disconnect from work and primarily not to engage in work-related electronic communications such as e-mails or messages during non-work hours. The modern working environment has been drastically changed by … 詳細

    The right to disconnect emerged in France in a decision in the Labour Chamber of the French Supreme Court. The decision on 2 October 2001 held that … 詳細

    On February 19, 2021, the National Council of the Slovak Republic passed an amendment to the Slovak Labor Code (Act No. 311/2001 Coll.), … 詳細

    On July 24, 2018, the Petition 1057 called for introduction of the right to disconnect or as it is called in French “Le droit à la déconnexion” in the … 詳細

    The Province of Ontario passed Bill 27, Working for Workers Act, 2021, which requires some employers to define expectations around disconnecting from work. The law defines … 詳細

    While not having actual laws relating to the right to disconnect, German companies have a history of implementing policies to the same effect. 詳細

    The right to disconnect entered Italian law through Senate Act no 2233-B "Measures to safeguard non-entrepreneurial self-employment and measures to facilitate flexible articulation in … 詳細

    House Bill 4721 was introduced to the Seventeenth Congress of the House of Representatives of the Philippines in January 2017. The long title of the proposed Act is "An act … 詳細

    CC-BY-SA ライセンスに準拠した Wikipedia テキスト
  2. Japanese Law Translation - Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy ...

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
    From this point of view, Notat and Senard note a kind of historical mismatch between the law and the rise of the modern enterprise. During the twentieth century, different branches of the law had to deal with the enterprise, primarily labor law, but also areas such as competition law and tax law.
    The El Khomri Law introduces but does not define the right, allowing companies to choose the most practical ways to implement the right taking into consideration the nature of the business (e.g. whether it operates with countries in foreign time zones or whether the employees work nights or in the weekend).
    It shows that the new law is based on a new positive definition of the enterprise as not only an economic organization or a productive entity, but more fundamentally a space for innovative collective action. We argue that this view of the enterprise challenges our conceptualization of the corporation in two important ways.
    Outside of a formalized right it is likely that employees and unions could negotiate for similar provisions to apply the right to disconnect to their own workplace, resulting in the right becoming commonplace by human resource management best practice, industry practice, or contractual norms.
  4. Laws Applicable to an International Arbitration | Aceris Law

  5. John Law de Lauriston — Wikipédia

  6. Intellectual Property Code (consolidated version as of June 30 ...

  7. EU law - EUR-Lex

  8. When the Law Distinguishes Between the Enterprise and the ...

  9. Article 14 and Arbitrariness vis-à-vis Legislative Action | SCC ...

  10. Règlement - 833/2014 - EN - EUR-Lex

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