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  1. IN-MACAD1W【MagSafe電源アダプタ専用ケース (ホワイト ...

  2. サンワサプライ SANWA SUPPLY IN-MACAD1W [MagSafe ...

  3. IN-MACAD1W [MagSafe電源アダプタ専用ケース 45W60W対応]

  4. MagSafeケース(45W・60W対応・ホワイト)IN-MACAD1Wの販売 ...

  5. MagSafe電源アダプター専用ケース(45W60W対応) IN ...

  6. 【アスクル】 サンワサプライ MagSafe電源アダプタ専用ケース ...

  7. IN-MACAD1W [MagSafe電源アダプタ専用ケース 45W60W対応]

  8. 【ぷらっとオンライン】サンワサプライ MagSafe電源アダプタ専 …

  9. IN-MACAD1W MagSafe電源アダプタ専用ケース 1個 サンワ ...

  10. 【サンワサプライ】MagSafeケース(45W・60W対応・ホワイト ...

  11. 他の人はこちらも質問
    Some macaw species have gone extinct in the wild due to capture. Fortunately, these parrots are adaptive and have learned to live in urban environments, making the loss of forest habitat less strongly felt than with some other rainforest species.
    Macaws are a type of parrot that are known for their vibrant colors and impressive size. These birds are native to Central and South America, and they can often be found in tropical forests and other wooded areas.
    An icon of the Amazon, macaws are highly intelligent and social, living in flocks of 10 to 30 birds. Their squawks and screams echo through the forest canopy. Some species can even mimic human speech. But Macaws are under threat from deforestation and the illegal pet trade.
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