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  1. JAXA | 地球と宇宙の安心安全な環境を目指して

    ウェブ2021年12月3日 · JAXAの人工衛星への接近状況や大きなスペースデブリの大気圏再突入時期の解析を行っています。 将来に向けては、更にバージョンアップした設備の整備も行っています。

  2. ESA - The current state of space debris - European Space ...

  3. JAXA | スペースデブリ問題の解決に向けて ~宇宙の環 …


  4. Space debris (also known as space junk, space pollution, space waste, space trash, space garbage, or cosmic debris) are defunct human-made objects in space – principally in Earth orbit – which no longer serve a...

    space debris, artificial material that is orbiting Earth but is no longer functional. This material can be as large as a discarded rocket stage or as small as a microscopic chip of paint.

    Space debris refers to the leftover components of a space system that are no longer required. It might be a satellite that has reached the end of its life (such as the International Space Station will when it...

    Space debris, or more colloquially known as space junk, is considered to be any human-made object in orbit not serving a useful purpose and typically is a result of space vehicles no longer in service.
  5. スペースデブリの除去|商業デブリ除去実証(CRD2)|JAXA ...

  6. ESA - ESA’s Space Environment Report 2022 - European ...

  7. It’s time to tackle space debris | Nature Physics

  8. NASA Study Provides New Look at Orbital Debris, Potential ...

  9. 宇宙活動の安全確保|JAXA|研究開発部門

    ウェブJAXAでは、宇宙開発を行う各国機関と協調し、関連する諸研究における最新の技術や知見を積極的に利用しつつ、 デブリ削減のための国際的な基準や方針について、有効な提案や戦略的な提言を行っています。. 国際機関間スペースデブリ調整会議(IADC ...

  10. JAXA | Safety on Earth and in Space

    ウェブJAXA observes, reduces and removes space debris using radar, optical telescopes and international standards. Learn about its research, development and collaboration with private business operators.

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