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  1. 数学と物理におけるギリシャ文字の使い方一覧 | 高校 …

    WEBMar 7, 2021 · 数学や物理でよく使われるギリシャ文字の読み方と意味をまとめたページです。例えば, \\lambda,\\:\\Lambda はラムダとして波長や固有値などを表します。

  2. Lambda - Wikipedia

  3. The Greek letter λ, lambda, [W/mK] is used to represent the heat conductivity of a material. The heat conductivity of a material is thus popularly known as its lambda value. The lambda value is used for thermal calculations on buildings and thermal components (insulation, etc.).
    Lambda value λ (w/mK) is a measure of the rate at which heat passes through a material. The units are watts per unit thickness per degree temperature difference across that unit thickness. Examples include Glass mineral wool Loft roll at 0.044w/mk, and Celotex GA4000 PIR board at 0.022w/mk.
    The heat transfer characteristics of a solid material are measured by a property called the thermal conductivity, k (or λ), measured in W/m.K. It is a measure of a substance’s ability to transfer heat through a material by conduction.
    It is also called the lambda (λ) value, or k value. A material’s thermal conductivity is the number of Watts conducted per metre thickness of the material, per degree of temperature difference between one side and the other (W/mK).
    The lambda value, also portrayed as ‘K-value’ or ‘λ-value’, measures a product’s thermal conductivity in units of W/mK. Good insulation will have as low a lambda value as possible to reduce heat loss. For example, our lower lambda products each have a lambda value of 0.019 W/mK across all thicknesses.
    www.kingspan.com/gb/en/knowledge-articles/what …
  4. λ(ラムダ)とは? 意味や使い方 - コトバンク

  5. Lambda Symbol (λ)

  6. 「ラムダ」とは?意味や例文や読み方や由来について解説 ...

  7. 「λ」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書

  8. Λ/λ/lambda( ラムダ ) とは? 意味・読み方・使い方 - goo辞書

  9. ラムダとは? 意味や使い方 - コトバンク

  10. Lambda - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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